Borders - Europe

The card game about connections
Learn about European flags

Find out about European flags

Borders exposes kids (and adults!) to all the European country flags in a low-stress way.

Find connections between countries

Discover connections

When you play Borders you discover which countries are neighbours and how they connect together.

Why choose Us?

Explore European Cities

Each card shows where the capital city is in the country along with details you can use in gameplay.

Is this the game for you?

Encourage exploration

If you'd like to encourage your kids to explore the world, this is a great choice.

Visual learning - through play

If you'd like your kids to learn about flags, this game does so with style and variety.

Observation and memory

This is a great game to help kids improve their observation skills and visual memory.

Improve general knowledge

Kids love to know things, this game lets them pick up general knowledge 'by accident' as the play.

Encourage Creative Play

Borders cards can be used to play many different games. Instructions for some are in the box - but kids love to create their own too!

Positive play time

Whilst most time spent in play is beneficial to kids, it's even better when that time helps them learn something tangible too.

Learn how to play

Want to learn more? Check out our instruction videos to get a feel for the game.

Get your copy today!

Borders Europe is now available to buy on Amazon UK.

Buy now on Amazon UK

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